Mission, Values & Beliefs
SMCC is a multi-site, nondenominational Christian church, meeting at five locations throughout Utah: Draper, Lehi, South Jordan, St. George, and our Spanish speaking, International Campus. At SMCC, we value our guests and invite you to visit one of our campuses.
Our Mission
We exist to help as many people as possible take their next step toward becoming Fully Devoted and Fully Delighted followers of Jesus Christ.

Our Vision & Values
Our vision (preferred future) isn’t about the size of our ministry or any particular accomplishment. Instead, we envision SMCC as a particular kind of church; a healthy church with a specific kind of culture. We are committed to being a church where:
The fully engaged attenders value and serve the guest.
Everyone can belong before they believe.
Maturity is measured by how well we love God and others.
We trust the process in which God changes us from the inside out.
The truth of the Bible is explained in a helpful and hopeful way.
We believe the Bible to be inspired and infallible, and as such, the supreme authority in faith and life.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons - Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ, by offering Himself on the cross, paid the penalty of man’s sin, and all who receive Him by faith are born of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost - those that are saved to the resurrection of eternal life and those that are lost to the resurrection of condemnation and eternal separation from God.
We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, as He is understood from the Bible alone, regardless of denominational affiliation.
We believe that baptism is an outward sign of an inward reality demonstrating that a person has a new life in Jesus Christ and the recognition of the living presence of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that our purpose for living is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever.

History of Smcc

In March 1998, Paul and Jini Robie moved with their two boys to plant a church in Draper, Utah. At that time, the city of Draper had a population of approximately 28,000, and yet, no Protestant churches. So the Robies began by starting a Bible study in their home. Then, this small but enthusiastic group decided it was time to meet on Sundays, with 45 people at their first church service.
In 2005, a decision was made to open a new campus in the Daybreak Community on the west side of the Salt Lake Valley. Easter of 2006 was launch day, and services officially began at the Daybreak Community Center.
In the spring of 2008, Pastor Paul invited Pastor Tom Mertz and The Springs Church in St. George, Utah, to become a campus of SMCC. In January 2009, The Springs Church officially became the SMCC St George Campus.
In 2012, the SMCC Draper Campus moved into its own 42,000-square-foot facility. This beautiful facility is a significant statement to the greater Salt Lake community that Biblical Christianity is alive and well in Utah.
In the fall of 2015, SMCC launched our 5th campus in Lehi, Utah. They currently meet in a beautiful warehouse facility in the heart of northern Utah County.
One of the most exciting moments in the history of SMCC was the beginning of the international campus of SMCC. Under Pastor’s Alberto Lopez’s leadership, a small community of Spanish speaking families from all across Central and Southern America started meeting on Sunday afternoons at the Draper facility. Now, about 10 years later, it’s a campus of over 700 people, meeting in 3 services in West Jordan.
In 2018, SMCC built an 11,000-square-foot permanent facility for our South Jordan campus. This campus continues to grow and thrive as it reaches the booming Southwest area of Salt Lake County.
SMCC is constantly growing, regularly averaging over 4,000 in regular attendance and experiencing real and meaningful life-change, with over 1,500 baptisms since its beginning.
In the summer of 2021, Paul Robie announced his plans for retirement from vocational ministry. Paul's retirement plans included working with the Elder Board to find a suitable replacement for the position of Lead Pastor of SMCC.
On June 26th, 2022, SMCC hosted an Installation Service to celebrate the legacy and story of Jini and Pastor Paul Robie while looking forward to continued mission and vision through Pastor Eric Nelson as the next Lead Pastor.